I just wanted to bring you up to date on what we discussed during the conference call last night.
MaryAnn has contacted a few businesses that we might showcast on May 28th - Clean Energy Day
She is going to collect all their information on a Google doc that we can all share
It seems that there are a few of them very interested.
Also Jacquie Germany is going to do a presentation on her business which is green design for the home (we posted her presentation on google docs for us to take a look at and see if it would work.)
Andy Velwest also contacted a company which does home design and green inspections and he'll get more information on that.
We will probably organize the Clean Energy Day as a big media day but instead of touring green businesses we were thinking of using one green business facility to hold a kind of a mini conference where all the invited clean energy businesses will do a presentation on their business and explain what they are doing, how the new bill would impact them, how they can create jobs and what kind of jobs they would be creating, etc...
We are still debating the pro and con of this format but we should discuss it further.
While we wait for the list of businesses participating to be finalized:
- Tom Rosensweet will start to alert our members and other groups about this event, so that we will try to have several people participate. The goal is 15/20 people. The event is on a working day (Thrusday) in the morning so we are not sure what kind of turn out we will have but we are hoping people will still participate if at all possible. It would be great if you could get veterans, unions and other group working with people that need jobs, to attend this event. It might be a good chance for them to hear about possible future jobs in details.
- Rossella and Bill I will compile a list of Media that we can contact as soon as we have all the deatils about the Clean Energy Day.
We'll have another conference call next Wednesday at 7:00pm to finalize all the details and put the planning into motion, I hope you will have time to participate.
We'll keep you posted if anything else comes up.
If you'd like to participate to the Conference call please send an e-mail to jc.h.council@gmail.com and we'll send you the number to call.
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