Call on Congress to Pass a Strong Clean Energy Jobs Bill to Jump-Start Job Creation in New Jersey
Congress is currently considering a clean energy jobs bill that has the potential to start us on the path to a new energy economy. But Big Oil and Big Coal are working hard to keep us reliant on dirty energy for decades to come.
We ask you to contact our Senators and Congressman to urge them to lead the nation and serve their constituents by working to strengthen the bill so it creates clean energy jobs here in New Jersey, with more money-saving energy efficiency and more reliance on cleaner, cheaper sources of energy like wind and solar.
It's important to let our elected officials know that we support the WAXMAN-MARKEY ENERGY BILL. If they know that their constituents support it, they'll be more likely to keep fighting for it. Plus, other senators and congressmen who are on the fence will take notice, too.
Here are some points to help you make the call
There are real, tangible benefits in craeting a clean energy economy in New Jersey: we'll get new, high-paying jobs that can't be outsourced, a stronger local economy, and savings for local residents. Clean energy is a growth industry that provides better-paying jobs—and more of them—while lowering the cost of utilities for the average household. And every local business will benefit from a stronger economy and lower energy costs that aren't set by big oil and coal companies.
If Congress passes a strong clean energy jobs bill, successful businesses in New Jersey will grow and we will be able to put people back to work. A new energy economy means we'll ramp up manufacturing for solar and wind equipment, get people back to work making homes and buildings more energy efficient, and expand businesses to install clean energy technology at our homes, schools, post offices, and other public buildings.
A strong clean energy jobs bill would mean that these businesses will be able to compete with big oil and coal companies that have gotten rich by getting government tax breaks for decades. A strong clean energy jobs bill will level the playing field and mean that innovative companies can compete in the marketplace against giant oil companies.
We urgently need legislation to move us to a clean energy economy. But the bill that recently passed the Energy & Commerce Committee isn't there yet and it might not be enugh. Big Oil and Coal have weakened the bill as they work to keep our country hooked on old, dirty and expensive energy sources. We urge Congress to strengthen the American Clean Energy and Security bill so it moves us to cheaper, cleaner energy sources like wind and solar, and creates the clean energy jobs we need to jumpstart our economy and invest in America's long-term prosperity.
Listed below are the names, phone numbers and Web sites for New Jersey’s two senators and the three Congressmen who represent different parts of Hudson County. You have to go to their Web sites to e-mail them. If you don’t know who your congressman is, you can go to the Web site of Project Vote Smart -- It’s a fabulous resource.
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Newark Office 973-639-8700 Washington Office 202-224-3224
Senator Robert Menendez
Newark Office 973-645-3030 Washington Office 202-224-4744
Rep. Albio Sires
Jersey City Office 201-222-2828 Washington Office 202-225-7919
Rep. Steve Rothman
Jersey City Office 201-798-1366 Washington Office 202-225-5061
Rep. Donald Payne
Jersey City Office 201-369-0392 Washington Office 202-225-3436
For a summary of the current version of the bill please go to: - scroll to the announcement on May 15th that has the latest info on the Bill, including a Summary or - has a very quick reference summary