Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is the communication received from

Last week Republicans on Capitol Hill held a strategy summit on how to defeat key parts of the president's health care plan.
At one point, Republican pollster Frank Luntz declared, "You're not going to get what you want, but you can kill what they're trying to do."1
Luntz wrote a confidential memo that laid out the Republican strategy:
Pretend to support reform.
Mislead Americans about the heart of Obama'splan, the public health insurance option.
Scare enough people to doom real reform.

Since most people don't know much about the public health care option,these lies could take root if we don't fight back. Can you send this outto all your friends and neighbors?

The choice of a public health insurance plan is crucial to real healthcare reform. But right now, it's being smeared by conservatives andinsurance-industry front groups. Here's what you really need to know:

1. Choice, choice, choice. If the public health insurance option passes,Americans will be able to choose between their current insurance and ahigh-quality, government-run plan similar to Medicare. If you like yourcurrent care, you can keep it. If you don't--or don't have any--you canget the public insurance plan.2

2. It will be high-quality coverage with a choice of doctors.Government-run plans have a track record of innovating to improve quality,because they're not just focused on short-term profits. And if you choosethe public plan, you'll still get to choose your doctor and hospital.3

3. We'll all save a bunch of money. The public health insurance optionwon't have to spend money on things like CEO bonuses, shareholderdividends, or excessive advertising, so it'll cost a lot less. Plus, theprivate plans will have to lower their rates and provide better value tocompete, so people who keep their current insurance will save, too.4

4. It will always be there for you and your family. A for-profit insurercan close, move out of the area, or just kick you off their insurancerolls. The public health insurance option will always be available toprovide you with the health security you need.5

5. And it's a key part of universal health care. No longer will sickpeople or folks in rural communities, or low-income Americans be forced togo without coverage. The public health insurance plan will be availableand accessible to everyone. And for those struggling to make ends meet,the premiums will be subsidized by the government.6

We all need to speak out to make sure we get real health reform. Please pass this on, then call your senators and ask them to support the choice of a public health insurance plan.

The public health insurance option is a big part of the change we fought so hard for last fall. We didn't let the smears beat Obama then. And we can't let new lies beat us now. Please forward this to everyone you know.

Thanks for all you do.
--Patrick S., Joan, Wes, Laura and the rest of the team

1. "Words Designed to Kill Health Care Reform," Huffington Post, May 7,2009
2, 3, 4, 5, 6. "The Case for Public Plan Choice in National HealthReform," Institute for America's Future

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