Monday, April 13, 2009

Power Up America - smallbusiness-signup-letter

Up America

Business Letter

stand with other small businesses in calling on Congress to take
bold action to shift us to a new energy economy.”

my members of Congress:

run a small business. I stand with other small businesses and
other leaders in our community in calling on Congress to take bold
action to shift us to a new energy economy.

I am on
the front lines of the economic crisis. Small businesses around
the country are hurting. It is clear to me that this is the time
to make major investments in our future, in the industry that will
power our future and create millions of good green jobs to renew
our communities and our nation. As an entrepreneur, I know that
we’ve got to invest in the clean renewable energy economy.

One of
the best ways to address the economic challenges we face and solve
some of the long-term problems that caused them is to begin the
transformation to a new energy economy, with millions of good,
green jobs and clean energy powering this country. We cannot
afford to wait.

need to invest in energy efficiency programs. Small businesses in
particular can benefit from this effort, because we can recover
our investment through energy savings in as little as 2-4 years.
But many businesses need help with financing and technical
assistance programs.

need alternative energy sources to repower America with 100%
clean, renewable, American electricity and fight the climate
crisis. We need investments in mass transit. Together, these
efforts can help create 5 million good, green jobs that can't be
outsourced. We can save the economy, reinvigorate local
communities, strengthen the middle class, and make America
competitive for the 21st century.

I urge
you to support President Obama's plan for a new energy economy.
This year is the time to act, to put America on a new course for a
clean energy future and a sound economy.



name &


State: ______ Zip ____________ Phone ____________

I’m interested in working with the Power Up America campaign
by speaking to Congress or the media, appearing at events, or in
other ways. (Check here): ____

attach a few business cards to this letter]

may share your letter and photo with Congress and the media, and
we may post your name, business name, and city on our website.

for by Political Action Not
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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